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Rep. Marra Named Woman of Excellence by National Foundation for Women Legislators

Posted on November 20, 2023

State Representative Tracy Marra (R-141) was named as a Woman of Excellence by the non-partisan National Foundation for Women Legislators during their annual conference in Florida last weekend.

According to the group, the National Foundation for Women Legislators’ (NFWL) goal is to empower and inspire elected women, and “to provide strategic resources to elected women for leadership development, exchange of diverse legislative ideas, and effective governance through conferences, state outreach, educational materials, professional and personal relationships, and networking.”  The group was founded in 1938.

“As a first-term legislator, it is an incredible honor to be recognized by the non-partisan National Foundation for Women Legislators and I want to congratulate each of the state winners for their commitment to their constituents and their continued support for female legislators,” Rep. Marra said. “Together, we are bringing stronger female voices to the statehouses and halls of government where they have traditionally been underrepresented.”

The Women of Excellence Awards were established in 2013 during the group’s 75th anniversary “to honor the dedication and hard work of women leaders.” The 2023 Annual Conference celebrating their 85th anniversary was held at the Waldorf Astoria in Orlando, Florida.

More information about the group can be found at: https://www.womenlegislators.org/