State Representative Lanoue Unveils His Expansive 2025 Legislative Priorities
Posted on January 24, 2025
HARTFORD— State Representative Brian Lanoue (R-45) announced his comprehensive legislative proposals for the 2025 Connecticut Legislative Session. His legislative proposals include bills that have been reintroduced from prior sessions, and proposals to help constituents navigate these ever-changing times.
During the 2025 & 2026 legislative sessions, Rep. Lanoue will serve on the Children’s, Public Safety, and Veterans Committees. Rep. Lanoue’s proposals include bills within these and span across other committees in the state legislature.
A proposal that focuses on improving public safety, Rep. Lanoue has once again introduced a bill that would help with recruiting and retaining volunteer Firefighters and EMS personnel with the hopes of giving people a little more incentive to serve their communities and establish a state income tax exemption on the first $2,000 in stipends for volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel that is used to promote recruiting and retention. This bill has received bi-partisan support in past sessions and Rep. Lanoue is determined to see this critical piece of proposed legislation through.
Rep. Lanoue has also reintroduced legislation with State Representative Doug Dubitsky (R-47) aimed at making utility companies more accountable to ratepayers. A task force would be established to examine how electric distribution companies, like Eversource, may be reconstituted to offer more options to ratepayers such as the possible expansion municipal electric distribution.
“At the beginning of each legislative session when we submit our proposals, lots of thought goes into these priorities and what we hope to achieve for our constituents and state,” said Rep. Lanoue. “My focus has always been on helping our residents with the overall cost of living, keeping our communities safe, protecting our children, and producing legislation that put our hard-working families first.”
Rep. Lanoue has introduced legislation to maintain the integrity of women’s sports by prohibiting biological males from competing in female-only athletics. The proposal also includes language to prevent males from using locker rooms and facilities inconsistent with their sex at the time of birth in order to protect the safety and privacy of biological females.
With Artificial Intelligence (AI) leading us into the future, Rep. Lanoue has been proactive in introducing legislation to require a study of AI on the trades industry to provide curriculum in the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System, along with another proposal that would study the effect and cost of AI automation on the size and scope of the state workforce.
Rep. Lanoue has also introduced the following legislative proposals:
- Amend Connecticut’s General Statutes to fully adopt castle doctrine, otherwise known as stand your ground.
- Defend gun owners and the Second Amendment by preventing municipalities from imposing more restrictive firearm regulations above and beyond state and federal law.
- Issuing short-form death certificates to keep sensitive information private for surviving family members.
- Honor Griswold resident Franklin Delano Steven Everett, for his friendship and awareness he has brought to the trucking community, by naming a popular Griswold commuter lot where he has brought joy to passing truckers and motorists.
- To repeal the burdensome Highway Usage Tax that increases the price of essential goods and services to Connecticut residents.
- To amend Chapter 54 of Connecticut’s General Statutes to prevent the presiding officer from being an employee of a state agency that is conducting the hearing.
- To put into law that a town or regional school district be held harmless and not forfeit funding should such town fail to meet ECS requirements.
- Exempt overtime pay from CT Income Tax.
- To require parental notification prior to a minor girl, under the age of 18, obtaining an abortion.
The 2025 Connecticut Legislative Session adjourns at midnight on June 4th.