New Laws Effective Jan. 1st
Posted on January 2, 2025

Friends and neighbors,
I just wanted you to know that several new laws took effect on January 1st that could have an impact on you, your business, or our community. I have highlighted some of them below.
An expanded list, along with summaries, can be accessed here.
A summary of some new laws include:
I supported this bill, which seeks to end control tactics used by abusers to keep victims of domestic violence tied to them. I hope this legislation will help victims gain financial security for their long-term safety by providing them with critical consumer protections.
Portions of this legislation take effect in the new year, specifically a provision about absentee ballots. One requires a clear and conspicuous notation of the year for which an absentee ballot application’s use is authorized.
Also in the new year, the Secretary of the State may annually authorize a search of voter registration records to identify electors registered in more than one town or more than once in the same town. That list may be compiled and transmitted to the registrars in those towns.
Portions of this bill took effect over the summer, but the rest becomes active in the new year. This bill expands the student loan payment tax credit for qualified employers that make eligible student loan payments on a qualified employee’s behalf, not just on loans the Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority (CHESLA) issued. It also establishes requirements an employer must follow when filing for a credit refund or exchange with the Department of Revenue Services (DRS).