Posted on May 15, 2023
(WOODBRIDGE) — On May 15th, State Representative Kathy Kennedy (R-119) joined Senator Chris Murphy and other elected officials as they discussed the “Protecting Kids on Social Media Act”, introduced at the federal level. The roundtable discussion invited students, parents, teachers, and legislators to share their experiences with social media and how it affects our youth and education today.
In their conversation, students had the opportunity to ask about the bill, the legislative process, and other related initiatives in Connecticut and throughout the country. Rep. Kennedy was excited to field questions from passionate students and teachers, as well as share her own perspectives on the effects of social media.
“It was exciting to explore the diverse perspectives of our youth on how they navigate the world of social media at my own alma mater, Amity Regional High School,” said Kennedy. “As a graduate of Amity myself, sitting beside these bright students gave me a unique perspective of just how different education is for our youth, compared to when I was a student. I support having more conversations to counteract the social risks that have surfaced since the popularization of social media usage.”
For more information about the “Protecting Kids on Social Media Act,” please see the link HERE. As always, never hesitate to reach out to Rep. Kennedy by emailing or calling 860-240-8700 with any questions, ideas, and concerns.