A legislative forum showing residents how their government works and what they can do to participate in the legislative process.

The forum titled “Navigating the CT Legislature” will be held on February 20th at 6:00 p.m. in the North Stonington Education Center, 298 Norwich-Westerly Road in North Stonington. All members of the public are invited, also the event will be livestreamed.

As a State Representative in the General Assembly serving in his fifth year, Rep. Howard will provide the crowd insight as to what he has learned and how average citizens not familiar with state government can advocate and follow the legislative process, including how to propose and testify on key legislation. Howard will run through a quick presentation followed by any questions people may have to better understand how policy is made in Connecticut.

The livestream can be accessed by joining the Microsoft Teams meeting at 6pm on February 20th. You will need to download the Microsoft Teams App on your computer or mobile device to join.

Meeting ID: 214 428 963 417
Passcode: q2fK3Ls7