CTDOT: Wrong Way Detection Systems to be Installed in Wallingford, North Haven
Posted on January 14, 2025

I just wanted you to know that the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (CTDOT) Office of Engineering announced it is developing plans to install Wrong Way Driving Detection Systems on highway off-ramps considered high-risk locations for wrong way drivers. Some of these will be in or close to the district.
According to them, “this project will install new equipment to the latest standards including pedestals, thermal and CCTV cameras, solar panels, cellular modems, internally illuminated signs, and signs with flashers. This equipment will be deployed along off-ramps as the primary detection for wrong-way vehicles. The detection will then activate flashing red LED lights located on wrong-way signs alerting drivers that they are traveling in the wrong direction and need to take corrective action. Simultaneously, a notification by cellular modem will be sent to Connecticut State Police and CTDOT’s Newington Headquarters to make them aware of a potential wrong way driver.”
The project is anticipated to be undertaken with 100% state funds, with design plans to be completed in May 2025, and construction anticipated to start in fall 2025.