DVA Stand Down 2024 – Sept. 20th
Posted on September 5, 2024

Dear Friends,
The Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) announced Veterans STAND DOWN 2024 will take place on September 20th from 9:00 – 2:00 p.m. at six regional sites across the state.
While the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way many agencies and organizations operate, the DVA continues its commitment to serving Connecticut’s Veterans by providing access to a range of programs and services offered by state and federal agencies, Veterans organizations, and community-based non-profits.
Stand Down 2024 includes all National Guard, Reserve and Active-Duty Personnel serving in Connecticut.
To register, please visit: https://portal.ct.gov/dva/pages/veterans-stand-down?language=en_US
Veterans attending will have access to a variety of in-person services, personal need items, vaccinations, legal services, medical screenings, and meals to go provided by the DVA, Federal VA, Veteran Organizations, many other State & Federal agencies, and community providers.
- Danbury Danbury War Memorial, 1 Memorial Drive.
- Bristol ST. Gregory CCD Center, 1043 Stafford Ave.
- Bridgeport University of Bridgeport, Wheeler Recreational Center, 400 University Ave.
- Norwich Easter Seals Veterans Rally Point, 24 Stott Ave.
- Rocky Hill CTDVA main campus, 287 West Street.
- Stamford UCONN, 1 University Plaza.
To view the list of confirmed service providers by location please click: Provider Location Listing (DOC)
To view the transportation schedule please click: Transportation Schedule (PDF)
For any additional information please contact: Call: 860-616-3772 or Email: standdown@ct.gov