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*** Eversource Hearing Information – August 24***

Posted on August 11, 2020


At the insistence of my office, and that of my legislative colleagues, the state’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) temporarily suspended Eversource’s recent rate increase while it conducts a full review, the purpose of which is to ensure that Eversource is not over-collecting revenues in the short term at the expense of ratepayers. Likewise, a similar rate increase request from United Illuminating has been suspended indefinitely.

PURA has scheduled a formal hearing process for Monday, August 24, at 10:00 a.m. (See official hearing notice below) in which Eversource will respond to questions posed by PURA and other formal parties to the PURA process.

PURA will receive comments from elected officials at the beginning of the hearing before conducting the evidentiary potion of its proceeding, and will conclude by inviting public comment.

Written testimony can be emailed anytime to the Authority at pura.information@ct.gov prior to the conclusion of the hearing.

The hearing will be conducted via Zoom and anyone wishing to follow or participate must first register online: https://ctdeep.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqcO2urTosGtGf4iMYOF9fUA1xdzNgkD_6 .

  • Meeting ID# 927 7463 1605
  • After registering, a confirmation will be provided with a direct link to the online proceedings.

The hearing will also be available to watch on ct-n.com.