
HARTFORD— On Friday, State Representative Doug Dubitsky acknowledged three anticipated bonding allocations on the State Bond Commission agenda scheduled for next week.

In Norwich, $2,000,000 will be used for public improvements at Howard T. Brown Memorial Park. In December, Rep. Dubitsky joined with the Norwich delegation in a letter of strong support of the Norwich Waterfront Revitalization Project.

“I was encouraged to see these projects for Norwich along with projects for two of Connecticut’s smaller towns, made it to the State Bond Commission agenda,” said Rep. Dubitsky. “I appreciate the decision by the governor and commission members to invest in these projects.”

In Lisbon, $700,000 would provide a grant-in-aid for brownfield remediation at an old gas station site in the vicinity of Town Hall. 

“I am delighted for the people of Lisbon for the remediation grant that will hopefully help get this property in condition to generate additional commerce for Lisbon, and throughout the region,” said State Representative Brian Lanoue (R-45), who shares the Town of Lisbon with Representative Dubitsky.

A project for bath house drainage and site improvement for the Town of Sprague totaling $1,000,000 at Salt Rock State Campground, is also on the Bond Commission’s agenda. The campground is located on 149 wooded acres in the Village of Baltic.

The State Bond Commission meeting, which starts at 10:30 a.m. on June 7th, will be held inside Room 1E at the Legislative Office Building. The agenda can be viewed here.