Delnicki, CT House and Senate Republicans Offer Ideas to Provide Consumers Relief on Electric Bills
Posted on January 24, 2025

HARTFORD- As Connecticut residents are opening up their January electricity bills, State Rep. Tom Delnicki (R-14) along with his House and Senate Republican colleagues today unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.
Rep. Delnicki said, “South Windsor residents are demanding electric rate relief, and we have a plan to do just that! The high cost of electricity is punishing working our families and town seniors on fixed incomes, who have gotten sticker shock reading their electric bill. It’s time for the State Legislature to be responsive and not continue to kick the problem down the road.”
Rep. Delnicki is a proud co-sponsor of Senate Bill 647, An Act Concerning Protections for Consumer Access to Affordable Electricity.
The Republicans’ plan would:
1) remove Public Benefits Charges from electric bills
2) prohibit agreements that buy electricity at 150 % above the wholesale price
3) redefine “Class I renewable energy source” to include any
electricity generated from a hydropower or nuclear power generating facility
4) separate PURA from DEEP
5) eliminate any incentive program that increases electric demand, including, any electric vehicle rebate program
6) study ways to increase the supply of natural gas
Additionally, Rep. Delnicki has put in his own legislation to require legislative approval of rate increases of electricity and natural gas, House Bill 5078.