Several Members of House Republican Women’s Caucus React to Democrat Statements Regarding Recent Supreme Court Ruling

Posted on September 3, 2021


Deputy House Republican Leaders Rosa Rebimbas (R-70th) and Lezlye Zupkus (R-89th) are joined by State Reps. Gale Mastrofrancesco (R-80th), Robin Green (R-55th), Cindy Harrison (R-69th), Kimberly Fiorello (R-149th), Irene Haines (R-34th), Cara Pavalock-D’Amato (R-77th), Donna Veach (R-30th), Terrie Wood (R-141st), Nicole Klarides-Ditria (R-105th) and Anne Dauphinais (R-44th) in issuing the following joint statement in response to remarks attributed to some Connecticut Democrat officials following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on a Texas law regarding abortion access:

“Despite competing claims in panicked media statements and fundraising emails issued yesterday, the right to access an abortion in Connecticut is in no way impacted by the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding a new Texas law. In fact, while abortion providers were protected in Connecticut law years ago, many of the same prominent Democrats decrying this decision as an assault on medical freedom and patient privacy have been at the forefront of eroding those same protections for parents and children alike, while unfairly targeting pregnancy service providers who offer adoption services or other alternatives to an abortion. Whether in their relentless push to eliminate the religious exemption for vaccines and effectively deny thousands of children a free and public education in Connecticut schools, or to supplant parental choice with government mandates in any other sensitive medical decisions, they have had no problem with denying individual rights when it suits their agenda. These same elected officials should be asked if ‘my body, my choice’ applies equally to the many residents of this state who will be denied the right to work or gain an education this year because of their doing.”