
New Milford—During an assembly at Sarah Noble Intermediate School, State Representatives Bill Buckbee (R-67), Patrick Callahan (R-108) and Cindy Harrison (R-69) talked with students about how a bill becomes a law. The three legislators presented a slideshow about the legislative process and then took questions.

The lawmakers used a relatable example to engage the kids in the discussion of how a bill becomes a law by proposing free ice cream for all Connecticut students. They asked some students to stand up and ‘testify’ on the bill as it moved through each of their committees, and for arguments they should make on the House floor.

“Visiting with the students at Sarah Noble is always inspiring! The group was highly attentive during our presentation and took a genuine interest in the legislative process. It’s safe to say New Milford is in good hands with so many up-and-coming students who are civically engaged. I appreciated their comments and questions at the end of our presentation and wish them well with the final days of their school year,” said Buckbee.

“We’re elected to help all members of the community, no matter their age. It’s important for the students to know they can also bring us their concerns or ideas they think the state should work on to make it a better place. I was impressed by the thought process these students shared with us as we went through the mock legislative process with them,” said Callahan.

According to the New Milford delegation, thousands of proposals are made each legislative session and a couple of hundred will make it through the committee process to the House or Senate for a vote. Only a fraction of those will make it through both chambers and reach the governor’s desk.

“We want to thank the students, faculty and staff of Sarah Noble Intermediate School for having us to visit and look forward to hearing from these future leaders on how to better the state,” added the delegation.
