Flood Disaster Resources
Posted on August 21, 2024

Flood Disaster Resources
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Newtown-specific FEMA Federal Disaster Application Assistance
The Newtown Emergency Management team is working through the process to give FEMA the documentation it requires to assist. Your information will be added to the list of affected properties within Newtown.
Currently, municipalities are assessing the public and private damage caused by the rain event on August 18, 2024. The municipalities forward the estimated damage to the Connecticut State Department of Emergency Management & Homeland Security (DEMHS). DEMHS and the Governor then forward the total estimates to FEMA to release federal funding. If the county-wide estimates meet the federal thresholds, then the funds are accessible to the public and the municipalities through a federal Disaster Declaration web-based application portal. This process takes from 2 to 5 weeks.
Newtown Disaster Recovery & Planning Coordinator:
Rob Sibley – rob.sibley@newtown-ct.gov 203- 270-4222 ext. 4351
If a Disaster Declaration is approved by FEMA then Individual Assistance (IA) funding, which is homeowner assistance for home/property damage, is through an application process run by FEMA and is opened to the public and businesses. Federal funding provided through grants and loans for personal property and home repairs have maximum grant payout thresholds of about $42,000 and loans of up to $500,000 are only available only after personal insurance claims have been exhausted. I have attached some FAQ sheets explaining the Federal programs. This process for federal funding takes about 1 to 4 months to become available after a disaster declaration.
Information from FEMA on:
Continued Temporary Housing Assistance
How FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration Help Survivors Recover
This access portal will allow for the Federal Aid Individual Assistance application to be received if a disaster is declared by FEMA, it also contains some FAQs:
Home/Business Owners
Farmers: Livestock, Crops, & Field Assistance
DoAg has reinvigorated its disaster relief website here: Disaster Relief Resources (ct.gov).
In an effort to better understand the scope of the situation, DoAg is asking producers to share estimated losses with them through their online reporting tool. This data will be shared with USDA Farm Service Agency and UConn Extension as they send out resources and information. By filling out this information it will assist these entities in determining if a disaster declaration can be obtained. The farm name and contact information is not required, this is a tool to assess the damage done and report that out.
Infrastructure losses should be reported to the local emergency management team, to find yours, please go here: Regional Offices (ct.gov).
More information:
- CT Farm Service Agency Disaster Information: CT FSA Disaster with Links
- CT DoAg Disaster Response Information: 2024 CT DoAg_Disaster Response Resources One-Pager 8.19.24 (1)
The Department of Agriculture can also be reached at AGR.Disaster@ct.gov.