House Approves Extension of Governor’s Emergency Powers Through February 15, 2022

Posted on September 28, 2021

On Monday, the House of Representatives voted in favor of extending Governor Lamont’s emergency powers through February 15, 2022 for a sixth time. As I have done in the past, I voted NO on this extension. The governor has navigated us through the uncharted waters of the greatest public health threat of our lifetimes. This was a challenging task. By definition we no longer have a pandemic, so regular constitutional order should have restored yesterday. I see no reason that these orders be extended when we have a legislature that is more than capable of addressing and acting on Connecticut’s ongoing COVID-19 response. Even without an emergency declaration, the governor would still be able to issue executive orders. There is no emergency.


A reporter asked the governor during last Thursday’s press conference if he had a specific metric or threshold in mind that would signify that we might not need an emergency declaration. He replied, “I can’t give a number …” The governor’s response indicates that his usurpation of legislative powers is based on arbitrary and ever-changing criteria. The arbitrary exercise of power is the beginning of tyranny. Tyranny grows until it is stopped. Parts of formerly free Australia have reverted to a de facto penal colony, as it was founded. Freedom of travel and speech have been suspended as part of their corona virus response. This should alarm us. We need to be more afraid of tyranny than a virus.


For more:

Hartford Courant Article