Carpino Responds to Veterans’ Concerns at Public Hearing

Posted on March 10, 2015


PRI vets7ROCKY HILL — A General Assembly, Program Review and Investigation Committee, public hearing was held at the Connecticut State Veterans’ Home in Rocky Hill, March 5.

“The state of Connecticut has not done enough to support you. This has to change immediately,” said, Rep. Christie Carpino (R-32) in her opening remarks.

The audience of mostly veterans, cheered.  Carpino, co-chair of the PRI committee has made it her priority to champion enforcing changes at the Rocky Hill Veterans’ Home, since learning about the facilities deplorable conditions, including the fact that the facility has not celebrated Veterans’ Day in an official capacity on November 11th.

More than one hundred veterans, residents, public officials, representatives of veteran advocacy groups, and legislators packed into the Veterans’ Home dining room to hear testimony on Proposed House Bill, 6855, An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Legislative PRI Committee Regarding Residential Services at the Veterans’ Home.  The recommendations arise from an in depth study of the home and services provided to the veterans.

The veterans testified about their concerns with employee accountability in the facility, the inability of staff members to provide appropriate levels of assistance, and physical improvements needed immediately in the facility. For example, a World War II veteran testified that he is disappointed by the treatment of veterans by staff, and emphasized residents at the facility could use more mentally stimulating activities as many residents spend their time languishing.

Rep. Carpino thanked the veterans for their service to the country and for providing testimony. She announced that after discovering that the Veteran’s Home has not held ceremonies to recognize their residents on November 11, she introduced a bill to establish an observance.

She reported that this bill has been voted favorably in the Veterans Affairs Committee, and has been referred to the entire House of Representatives for a vote.   PRI vets8

If HB 5110 is implemented, the state of Connecticut will be required to hold suitable exercises in the Veterans’ Home on November 11, recognizing veterans there for their military service.

The Residents and Veterans were pleased to hear this, but Carpino said there is much more work to be done to improve the facility.

The PRI Committee’s, Proposed HB 6855 recommendations includes:

1.      Providing better transitional and permanent supportive housing.

2.      Improving substance abuse treatment

3.      Increasing accountability of Veterans’ Home finances

4.      Increasing efforts to integrate residents into the community

A favorable vote on HB 5110 is expected in the coming week.

“Improvements are long overdue.  Connecticut owes this much to the veterans here for their service,” said Carpino.

The Rocky Hill Veterans’ home is currently home to 217 domicile residents, and 117 hospital patients it was constructed in 1938 and opened for occupancy in 1940.